CHAPTER- 1 The Earth in the Solar System Class 6 Notes Geography Chapter 1 THE EARTH IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM The whole sky is filled with tiny objects some are bright and some are dim. The object we see in night are moon, stars ,etc. Poornima – We can see a full moon once a month. It is Full moon night or Poornima . Amavasya- we cannot see the moon at all once a moon . It is a New moon night or Amavasya. The sun, the moon and all those objects shining in the night sky are called celestial bodies. The sun and the other stars are hot ball of gases. They look very tiny because they are millions of kilometre far from earth. The sun look large then other stars because it is not that much far from earth. While watching the night sky, you may notice various patterns formed by different groups of stars. These are called constellations . Example - Ursa Major , big bear, Saptarishi , Leo, etc. The North star indicates the north direction. It is also called the Pol...