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Fibre to Fabric Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 3


Fibre to Fabric Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 3

Fibres: All cloth materials are made up of long, narrow, thin structures called fibres.

The fibres are usually obtained from two main sources- Plants and Animals.

Types of fibre

There are two types of fibres:-

Natural fibre:- Fibre obtained from plants ( jute and cotton) and animals (silk and wool) is called natural fibre.

Synthetic fibre (man- made):- Fibres made by artificially is called synthetic fibre. For example - polyster, nylon , rayon ,etc.

Plant fibre:- Fibre obtained from plants is called plant fibre. All the plants have fibres in their body structure, e.g., cotton on its fruit, jute in its stem ,etc.

Animals fibre:- Fibres obtained from animals is called animals fibre.
 For example- silk and wool.

Silk fibres are obtained from the silkworm and the process of obtaining silk from the silkworm is called sericulture.

Wool fibres come from sheep, camel, goat, and yak. 

Some plant fibres.

Cotton- cotton plants need warm climate and black soil to grow . It is grown in maharashtra, Gujrat, Punjab, rajasthan, tamil nadu and Madhya Pradesh.

Cotton is obtained from cotton balls.
Cotton balls- The fruits of cotton plant are about the size of a lemons are called cotton balls.
Cotton fibres are obtained from cotton balls. Their fibres are separated from the seeds by combing. This process is called Ginning. It was done by hand. But now, machines are also used.

Jute - Jute fibre is obtained from the stem of the jute plant called 'putson'. It is cultivated during the rainy season.

In India, jute is mainly grown in west bengal, Bihar and Assam.
Jute fibre is soft, shiny and long fibre with a silky texture.

Jute plants are cut at the time of flowering stage.
Then, the stem of the plants are immersed in water for a few days when the gummy skin rots out to separate fibres. This process is called 'retting'.
The stem rots and fibres are separated by hand.
Jute is used for making sacks, carpet,ropes ,etc.

Yarn- The thin strands made from fibre are called as yarns.

Spinning cotton yarn

The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning. In this process, fibres from a mass of cotton, wool are drawn out and twisted. This brings the fibre together to form yarn.
Spinning can be done by hand or on a spinning wheel.
Spinning of a yarn on a large scale is done with the help of spinning machines.

Yarn to fabric.

After spinning, yarn are used for making fabrics.
The two main process by which fabrics are made from yarns are weaving and knitting.


The process of arranging two sets of yarn together on a weaving machine known as looms to make a fabric is called weaving.


It is one of the most popular method of making fabrics from yarns.

In this process, a single yarn is used to make a piece of fabric. For example- sweater, socks and other clothing items are made of knitted fabrics.

History of clothing materials.

In ancient times, people used the bark and big leaves of trees or animal skin for clothing.
After people began to settle in agricultural communities, they learnt to weave twigs and grass into mats and basket.
Vines, animal hair were warped together into long strands, which were then woven into fabrics.
The early indians used to make fabrics made out of cotton that grew in the region near the river Ganga.
In ancient Egypt, cotton and flax were cultivated and used for making fabrics.
In those days, people were not aware about stitching. They simply used to wrap the fabric around different parts of their body.
Even today unstitched clothes like saree, dhoti, turban are widely in use.
With the invention of the sewing needle, people started stitching fabrics to make cloth.


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