Food : where does it come from ?
We all eat different foods at different times.
All living beings need food for :-
1. Their growth
2. Food provides energy to do work
3. Food repairs the damaged tissue.
4. Food also protect from many diseases.
Ingredients :- The materials which is added to prepare a dish or a food is called ingredients.
For example - spices, salt, water etc are added while preparing food.
Food materials and sources.
We get food from plants and animals.
Food from plants.
Plant is the main source of food. Green plants are also known as producers because they prepare their own food by using sunlight, air (carbon dioxide), water and chlorophyll ,this process of making food by plant is called photosynthesis.
Food we get from plants is called plant product. We eat different parts of plant. For example- Root( carrot, radish ) , stem (potatoes , onion , sugarcane ,etc), leaves ( spinach, cabbage), Flower (banana broccoli , cauliflower) , seeds ( pulses, cereals, bean), etc.
Edible part - The eatable parts of plant is called edible part.
Sprouted seeds:- A small white thread like structure grown out of seeds when soaked in water are called sprouted seeds.
Food from animals.
Food we get from animals is called animals product. For example:- we get meat , milk , egg, honey etc from animals.
Notes chapter-1.
From where does honey comes ?
Honey is a sweet liquid . Bees collect nectar ( sweet juices) from the flowers and convert it into honey and store it in their hive . Then, farmer collect the honey from beehive.
What do animals eat ?
As we know different animals have different feeding habits. According to their feeding habits animals are divided into three groups :-
Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Herbivores :- Those animals that eat only plants or plant product is called herbivores animals. For example- deer , elephant, cow ,ox ,goat ,horse ,etc.
These animals have sharp-edged teeth in each jaw to gnaw food.
Carnivores:- Those animals that eat flesh of other animals is called carnivores animals. For example :- lion , tiger, fox , etc.
Omnivores animals:-Those animals that eat both plants and animals is called omnivores animals. For example:- crow , Dog, Human beings, etc.
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