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Sorting Materials into Groups Class 6 Revision Notes Science Chapter 4


Sorting Materials into Groups Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 4.

We see different kinds of objects in our daily life like toy, pen , furniture, etc. If we are going to sorting these objects then we found that Each objects is made up of different materials .  some are made up from wood , some are from iron ,some are from gold , aluminium ,etc.

One objects can be made up from different materials for example - plates is made up from plastic, aluminium , steel ,glass.

Even one material can be used to make different objects for example- wood is used to make table ,door, windows, wooden box ,etc.

All materials have different and it's its own properties for example some materials are soft whereas some are hard, some are soluble in water whereas some are insoluble. According to this properties materials are used to make an object.

Properties of material


Materials looks very different from each other.

If we are looking around us then we find that some objects are shining whereas some are not. Some objects like iron lose their shine with time due to the action of air with moisture.


Some materials are hard to compress while some are easily compress.

Those materials which are easy to compress is called soft materials.

Those are hard to compress is called hard materials.

Both hard and soft is used to make an object according to our needs.

Soluble and insoluble

Some materials have a soluble properties. These materials get easily dissolved in water. Like sugar, salt.

And some have insoluble properties and they didn't get dissolved in water . For example - sand , oil ,etc.

Objects may float or sink in water.

As we read some materials or objects doesn't dissolved in water as these objects may be sink or float in water. For example plastic bag or plastic plates floats on water whereas iron key, or needle get sink in water.


As we look around ,we found some  materials through which we cannot see . We also found that we can see clearly through materials . Whereas some materials through which we can see but not clearly.

So the material through which we can see clearly is called transparent.

The material through which we cannot see is called opaque object.

The material through which we can see but not clearly is called translucent.

According to these properties materials can be used to make different objects.

Nuro teach always with you.


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